28 October 2007

civic duties

Tomorrow morning, I have been summoned to court. To be a potential juror, that is. It should be an interesting time, I believe. I've never had jury duty before. Some people go their whole lives without ever being called. I got called 4 months after moving into town. Crazy!

What's even more crazy, is that my boss is summoned too. Isn't that wild? No doubt, we both won't be chosen (at least not for the same case). I don't think they'd put someone on the same jury as their employer :o)

I'm a little nervous just because I don't know what its going to be like. But its a pretty neat thing, our judicial system. I just pray I won't have to serve on a jury for some kind of violent crime. I'm not sure I'd be very good at handling that.

Who knows, they may not even want me...


JM said...

Wow! You are definitely a grown up when you get called for jury duty!! I, myself, have never been called. What does that say about me? :)

Ldani said...

I've never had jury duty either, but I've heard that it is pretty boring and you should take a book.

JM said...

So...how did it go?

Erin said...

well, I'll have to report back to you tomorrow--I ended up not having to go today. but I do have to go tomorrow. I do fortunately have a book I'm currently reading. probably will make some progress on it tomorrow :)

j.j. said...

I've never had jury duty either. Did you have to report for more than one day?

Elizabeth said...

I used to think it would be interesting to see the "inside of a courtroom" and all that. Law & Order junkie & whatnot, but then I talked to someone at church who was called for a Grand Jury and he really reminded me that although crime may seem interesting (especially the crime solving part!) on tv shows, it feels a lot different when you're hearing about reality. I spose it would make a difference what kind of case you were hearing. Keep us informed.