14 March 2007

What's Your Footprint?

Ever wondered how much "nature" your lifestyle requires? You're about to find out.

This Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates how much productive land and water you need to support what you use and what you discard. After answering 15 easy questions you'll be able to compare your Ecological Footprint to what other people use and to what is available on this planet.

I encourage you to check it out. It doesn't take very long, but it's very eye-opening!


JM said...

So...what's your footprint? Mine is 13.

Erin said...

my footprint is 12 acres--so if everyone lived like I do, we'd need 2.7 earths. higher numbers than I would like them to be...

Anonymous said...

I am so embarrassed. I got a 20, meaning 4.5 earths. Horrendous!
Turning over a new leaf today!

Ldani said...

Mine is 15. I did it again and said no driving only using public transit (I could do it; I wouldn't like it but I could do it.) and it only dropped down to 12. I cannot imagine what I'd have to do to get it down to 4.5.

j.j. said...

I got an 18 --that's 4 earths for people living like me. Yikes! I bet the number would be lower if I EVER used public transportation and also perhaps if we lived in an apartment...?

Elizabeth said...

WHAT????? Are you cheating, Jennifer???? I thought I was doing pretty good with a 21, less than the average U.S. resident (24). But, now I'm truly embarrassed. Of course, I'll just chalk it up to not knowing how big my house is or how many miles I drive per week. :-) Thanks for posting it, Erin.

Elizabeth said...

So, I took it again and got a 17. . I only changed one answer -- which was how much food I ate that was locally grown. I would say that most of my food is unpackaged & unprocessed, but I have no idea where it is all grown. . .